Tuesday 21 April 2020

Stop #DomesticViolenceonMen : Appeal By MWT & SFF NGO !

Why #DomesticViolenceOnMen is ignored by Indian Law Makers , Media and society?

Be #Misandry FREE.
The women #MaleAbuser know very well that , they will not be Punished for doing #DVOnMen & get scot FREE easily !

If Men try to #SpeakUp, they know how to abuse the #Unfair #DVAct and play the #WomenCard to term Men as wife beater ! Which in result men have to suffer silently all the abuse and there is no Government authority or specific Law to protect Men.

Stop #DomesticViolenceOnMen as crime has No Gander !

Every Men are under high risk of #Fakecases at Home, Office, Road due to multiple anti-Men #Unfairlaw - which became Blackmailing/Extortion Tool. To survive or #FightBack knowledge is Key. Law is not any rocket Science. Buy & Start to Read Law Books Now !


AstroTalk said...

There are a lot of times when men are dragged in some allegations which aren't true but, due to the large number of people taking women's side , men lose.

Stop Abuse Men said...

Every one know the truth , see the truth - but none care for men. Result the married men suicide every year more than 64000, which are double than married women in india. Ver sad situaion . Be #Misandry FREE and #StopDomesticViolence onMen