Friday 6 September 2019

Airtel Delhi Half Marathon: Run with NGO working for #MenToo !

Indian women ranked third in beating their husbands

The UN survey report on domestic abuse and violence ranked Indian women third in the list for beating up their husbands. Egyptian women topped the list followed by the UK that took second place.
The survey also revealed that besides using their hand women make extensive use of pins, belts, shoes, kitchen tools and other items to physically abuse their husbands. The data obtained from the Egyptian court states 66% of these women end up filing for divorce from their husbands. Husbands who suffer abuse at the hands of their wives resort to suing their wives.

Men are often stereotyped for perpetrating domestic violence and abuse, hence an Indian writer from Ghaziabad, Jyoti Aurora penned down a novel ‘You Came Like Hope’, a story of love, that discussed women victimizing men.
Aurora admits to the physical abuse against women but she also believes that there exist incidents where women file fake cases of abuse against men.

The basic problem, due to #Misandry (Male Hatred) virus injected  in our Blood since childHood so much that when we witness/seen any Men beaten by his wife or Girl Friends, its gives entertainment feeling only. We never feel the pain of the Men and their suffering.

Result in spite of Men Welfare Ngos , repeated demand our Law makers ignore the constitution Article 14 , where a state can't deny the protection of any person on the basis of their gender , every one is equal in front of Law . But when it comes to protection from Domestic Violence Law for Men even #Milord of Judiciary also failed to protect the constitutional right for Men.

No Government funded or UN funded NGO in India done any awareness activity about the social evil called "Domestic Violence against Men" is increasing and resulting the suicide rate of Men is keep on increasing.

But the silence will be broken this time in the upcoming event of   Airtel Delhi Half Marathon 20th Oct, 2019 , first time ever in  the history of India,  NGOs Working for Welfare of Men had been recognised as a Social Cause under Human Rights category, as #MenToo are Human .

Gender Human Rights Society ( GHRS) in association with Men Welfare Trust(MWT) and Save family Foundation(SFF) will be running in 5Km category as a official Registered CSO with India Cares.

Now you can also run with them by register your self for the Noble Cause and be their voice too. It's time to be #Misandry Free and #SpeakUpMen to Stop Abuse of Men  as #MenToo are Human.

Gender Human Rights Society (GHRS)


  1. Now it is the right time for doing and making law to save Indian culture and society. Now a day Men are punished by women .Indian families destroy. I with my four son tortured by my wife and her mother. I am agree with your proposal and want to join and do something. I request with pray pl save men and family. There are many matters "thora likha jyada samajhana"

  2. Yes sir time to be Misandry free and understand the problem, pain , suffering of #MenToo please call our Helpline 8882498498 and talk to our volunteer to Join

  3. Time to show pain for evary men how face this types of problam
